Sunday, December 8, 2013

My daughter wants 5 rabbits, 5 ducks, 5 fruit trees and a fishing pond for Christmas

The really cool thing is, she doesn't want these things for herself.  You see, we received the World Vision Gift Catalog in the mail the other day and my 8 year old started paging through it.  Sitting at the kitchen table, she turned over a paper plate that was sitting next to her, grabbed a pencil, and started writing on the back of the plate. I used to do the same thing as a child when the JCPenny catalog arrived.  I would look through it and write down all the toys that I wanted.  My daughter, however, is a much better person than I am.

Hope, my daughter, wrote down -

      5 ducks $35
      5 rabbits $95
      family fishing kit $50
      fishing pond $200
      5 fruit trees $30

That is her list.  That is what she wants to GIVE other people, kids around the world, so they may have a better life. The next thing she did astonished me.  I was waiting for Hope to ask me for money to buy these items, but instead she informed me that she is starting a "Booster" campaign.

"What's a booster campaign?" I asked.

"Dad, you go to and design a t-shirt that people buy and then booster gives you money. I saw it on a commercial."

And that's exactly what she did.  Here is Hope's Booster page. She did it all: the t-shirt design, the description of her campaign, everything. The only thing her dad did, was to hold the camera as she made this video.

I love her so much. She has a great heart and I feel so blessed that she calls me daddy.  Check out the page and buy a t-shirt.  It's the giving season.